April 19, 2012

City - Hollax


1: Tollbooth
2: Green Horn Tavern
3: Silver Dragon Inn
4: The Magic Inn - 10% encounter w/thief
5: Thieves - 50% encounter w/thief
6: Market area - 50% encounter w/thief
7: Kennels
8: Garrison
9: Garrison weapon shop
10: Weapon shop
11: General store
12: Town Hall
13: The Oteff (M-U Guild)
14: Blacksmith
15: Sage
16: Alchemist
17: Library
18: Orphanage
19: Slums - 15% encounter w/thief
20: Cobbler
21: Carpenter
22: Seamstress
23: Housing
24: Bank - 10% encounter w/thief
25: Chapel, Hospital
26: Fight training
27: Theatre, Stadium
28: Fountain
29: Jeweler
30: Fishery
31: School
32: Jail
33: Carriage service
34: Mortuary
35: Stock, hangings, etc
36: Guide service
37: House of Pleasure
38: Gambling - 50% encounter w/thief
39: Warehouse - 65% encounter w/thief
40: Money Changer - 50% encounter w/thief
41: Employment office
42: Tax Collector
43: Baker
44: Butcher
45: Grain storage bins
46: Farmers Co-op


Jeremy "frothsof" Smith said...

i really like this series!

Unknown said...

I figure by the time it's done there should be a bunch of ready made stuff for people to choose from.